Check with these other partners for a variety of development offerings and resources for women!

Advance Global Coaching

Women in cross-cultural service receive affirmation and safe, objective support from AGC life coaches to process their unique challenges and create appropriate action steps.

A Life Overseas

This blog collective provides that place of online connection for Christ-following missionaries and humanitarian aid workers living in foreign countries– from the past, present, or future.


Abuse Recovery Ministry and Services to aid women suffering domestic violence and abuse.


Impacting women who are impacting the world: A member care ministry encouraging English speaking, kingdom minded women serving cross-culturally through restful, restorative and nurturing retreats.

Ballast Soul Care & Coaching

Ballast Soul Care & Coaching accompanies seekers like you on the adventure of a lifetime, in all the highs and lows, by creating sacred space to meet with Holy Spirit in pursuit of your God-given, uniquely designed calling and purpose.

Beth Eckstein Coaching

Complex Problems, Custom Solutions: Move forward in any area of life with intentionality. Bring expertise and empathy to any challenge you face.

Bible Study Fellowship

In-depth interdenominational Bible Study classes around the world.

Center for Intercultural Training

Cross-Cultural Reflection and Growth opportunities to process experiences on the field with other veterans – evaluate, refocus and retool!

Christianity Today:, edited by Amy Jackson, is a resource providing community, encouragement, and practical tools for women leaders in the global church. We exist to equip, encourage, challenge, and unite women who exercise leadership gifts in church ministry.

Community Health Evangelism

Community Health Evangelism (CHE, pronounced chay) is a multifaceted approach to Christian ministry that addresses the needs of the whole person—physical, spiritual, emotional, and social.

Compassion to Act

Liberating and restoring trafficked women through a faith-based ministry on the front lines of confronting modern-day slavery.

Crescent Project – Without Borders Women’s Training

Women’s training conferences that offer practical tools for building relationships with Muslim women who are aching to hear that they are loved and adored by their Creator.

DAI Institute

Committed to servant leadership. Free online courses that integrate faith, leadership and management, including Women and Men Serving Together. To register:


Elevate Her International Ministries

Empowering women to heal from trauma and become instruments for healing, peace and hope through large and small group biblically based trauma and life skills training.


Entrust – Equipping Women

Developing shepherds through a four module process over time which allows for personal transformation, skills practice, and growth.


Field Support

Since 2011, Field Support has provided independent professional online counseling services for cross–cultural workers abroad. Field Support is committed to helping clients grow, thrive & last as long they’re called to be there.

Global CHE (Community Health Evangelism) Network and Training

Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is a Christ-centered educational program that equips communities to identify issues and mobilize resources to achieve positive, sustainable change. CHE seamlessly integrates evangelism and discipleship with community health and development. Through CHE ministries, individuals become followers of Jesus and communities are lifted out of cycles of poverty and disease. (Click here for schedule of trainings.)

Global Trellis

If Great Commission workers don’t develop themselves, they are likely to rust out or burn out. Global Trellis creates resources you need to flourish on the field.


Grace for the rest of your life. Restoring and renewing God’s people with the transforming message of God’s grace.

Group Ministry Resources

Retreats, training, and curriculum for women’s ministries in the local church.

Grafted Life Ministries

Individual and group studies designed to deepen and nurture your personal relationship with God and help you relate with others in more loving ways. In addition Grafted Life has an association of evangelical spiritual directors, ESDA, who can walk alongside you in your spiritual journey.

Grow to Serve’s Great Commission Learning Network

Hundreds of missionary learning resources easily searchable and provided by many trusted Evangelical missions partners.  Videos, articles, audios, courses, curricula, blogs, websites… Find a great variety of online courses geared toward your success on the field.

Healing Hearts

Counseling and training to help women who need hope and healing through post-abortion, rape, abandonment, divorce, and trauma.

Hope for Our Sisters

Raising awareness of and support for women and girls suffering from Fistula, through partnerships for effective treatment and prevention.

Hope for the Heart

Hope For The Heart is a ministry providing biblical hope and practical help for everyday problems, desiring to equip you with the help and hope you need so that you can then equip and encourage others.

Invitation Project

Invitation Project

The Invitation Project consists of videos designed with singable arrangements to draw people in to sing and worship, privately or in groups. The songs are inter-generational, mixing hymns with classic contemporary songs. You can also access the videos directly through the vimeo channel (no ads!):


A Christian counseling center providing high quality care to missionaries, pastors, and our community. Link Care exists to serve God by helping people grown in emotional health, personal integrity, and spiritual wholeness.

Magdalena (Jesus Film Project)

Helping women everywhere see Jesus. Strategies and tools for bringing the story of Jesus to women, including the Magdalena film (watch here.)

Mending the Soul

Mending the Soul Ministries, Inc. is dedicated to equipping and resourcing community and church leaders around the world in an informed and compassionate response to those impacted by abuse.

Middle East Women’s Leadership Network

The Middle East Women’s Leadership Network helps women become world-class leaders by creating media for their mission. We explore important trends, exchange expertise, and encourage innovative media. Our strategic sectors include Gender Equality, Religious Freedom, Trauma Counseling, Peace and Security, and Faith-based Initiatives

Missional Intelligence – Consulting

Working with men and women to remove barriers and design organizational processes that enable women to do their best work and make their greatest contributions in God’s mission.

Mom Heart Ministries or

Resources, training, and events to restore moms in God’s heart for motherhood.


Resources and training to encourage disciple-making movements by equipping women in a fresh approach to life and ministry.

Revive Our Hearts

Calling women to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ – through radio, events, blogs, and other resources.

Serving Shoulder to Shoulder

Championing women and men who embrace their shared co-mission to bless and reach the world – together.

Shoulder to Shoulder

Empowering, equipping, and encouraging single adults in mission, and the teams and organizations with whom they serve. Providing resources for theological understanding of Singleness and Marriage as valued within the body of Christ.


Actively seeking Christian women business owners, executives, and leaders in major cities to join our peer advisory roundtable communities. Whether you’re interested in becoming a Group Owner or a participating group member, we invite you to connect with us to learn more.

Third Culture Kids – Michele Phoenix

Educating churches about TCKs – their strengths, struggles and needs. – Marilyn Gardner

Cross-cultural communication with an emphasis on faith and third culture kids.

Thrive Ministry

Refreshment retreats and online resources for international women workers.

Union Gospel Mission

Reaching hurting, homeless women and children with a message of hope.


Velvet Ashes

An online community to encourage and breathe hope into the lives of women serving overseas.

Women At Risk, International

Women At Risk, International unites and educates women to create circles of protection and hope around at-risk women and children through culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects.

Women Doing Well

We help engage women in the giving community by discovering their unique gifts and giving them the tools they need to confidently manage all that has been entrusted to them.

Women in the Window

Women in the Window International is part of a collaborative movement to equip and empower women in the 10/40 Window to replace poverty and injustice with dignity and purpose in Christ.

Women of Hope International

Training and equipping the Body of Christ to think biblically about disability, and facilitate wholistic transformation among women affected by disability in the majority world.

4Word for Women

Connecting, leading, and supporting professional Christian women in career, relationships, and faith. See the Mentor Match Program for local and virtual connections with peers and mentors.