New Testament Survey: The Roots of Faith
June 23 - June 27
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The Roots of Faith: New Testament Survey
Designed by the training staff of ABWE/Good Soil. Study the main stories and themes of the New Testament in a way that will enrich you and also give you a way to teach it to others. This module chronologically unpacks the fulfillment of New Testament hopes and promises, based upon the life and death of Jesus Christ, culminating in a perfectly restored new heavens and earth. It traces the unfolding of God’s progressive revelation of major theological concepts, especially those theological truths that are closely related to mankind’s spiritual needs and God’s plan of salvation. The course consists of 50 lessons/sessions, each of which focuses on one of 50 key New Testament redemptive story events. The learning process is engaging, interactive, and FUN. While learning is done in mixed groups of men and women, you can request a women to women learning group if you prefer, as a Women’s Development Track referral. Course participants become certified to teach the course to others. No advance preparation. For more info, or to register, go directly to the Good Soil website: (
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